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Years in business
Bringing the industry together for sustainable and visionary school building
The target group for event and networking SCHULBAU/SKOLEBYGGERI is specifically Danish, Scandinavian and German manufacturers, municipal planners, school managers, architects, authorities, investors and engineers with a focus on learning buildings and environments. The event provide excellent opportunities to personally seek out new business partners and concrete working communities.
If you want to expand your business with new partners, start cross-border collaborations or strengthen your brand in the German, Danish and Scandinavian markets, mark your calendar now.
Present your company, your idea, your research or your product at the international festival or participate as a guest. You can of course invest in an exhibitor stand at the exciting event for matchmaking, networking and exchange.
The start of SCHULBAU
In 2012, director and initiator Kirsten Jung developed and created the SCHULBAU trade fair. Ever since, she has gathered school building professionals for annual fairs and networking salons in a number of Germany’s largest cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Dresden as well as in Vienna.
“For more than 11 years I have been bringing together architects, municipalities, engineers, private and public developers and investors across national borders around all spectrums of the learning building field. In Denmark and Germany I work closely with C.F. Møller Architects, Danish Architects, BDA (Bund Deutscher Architekten), Bundesstiftung Baukultur, Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, DGNB, Building Green Council, the major German building authorities as well as with important federations and associations in the building industry. I will continue the success with several events in Copenhagen and I am looking forward to inviting Danish and German professionals from the industry,” says Kirsten Jung who works and lives in both Hamburg and Copenhagen.
She will now share her years of experience in German-speaking countries and create contacts between Danish companies and her extensive network across Germany.
Watch the latest event video here
Meet the team
Experts in the field
Kirsten Jung
Managing Partner and project manager
Ilka Williams
Sales and Business Development
Christiane Schüllermann
Program creator
Ina Wienerberger
Program creator
Kirstin Ahrndt-Buchholz
Key Account Manager/ Marketing
Kathrin Zernickel
Administrative assistance
Susan Lange
Assistant to the publishing management
Nicole Denecke
Editorial team
Oliver Fischer
Online editorial & webmaster
Talina Cattide
Customer service
Events and publicity
JES Socialtecture studies of life as a school subject
Julia ErdmannOn June 3, 2025, the SCHULBAU Festival will open its doors in Copenhagen at the Trifolium. The event is dedicated to the future of educational...
Prof. Jan R. Krause moderates the professional exchange
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