Focus on innovation and professionals

Bringing the industry together for sustainable and visionary school building

In 2012, director and initiator Kirsten Jung developed and created the SCHULBAU trade fair. Ever since, she has been bringing together school building professionals for annual fairs and networking salons in a number of Germany’s biggest cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Dresden as well as in Vienna.

“For more than 10 years I have been bringing together architects, municipalities, engineers, private and public developers and investors across all spectrums of the learning building sector.
In Denmark and Germany I work closely with C.F. Møller Architects, Danish Architects, BDA (Bund Deutscher Architekten), Bundesstiftung Baukultur, Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, DGNB, Building Green Council, the major German building authorities as well as with important federations and associations in the building industry. In 2023 I will continue the success with my first 2-day event in Copenhagen and I am looking forward to inviting Danish and German professionals from the industry,”
says Kirsten Jung who works and lives in both Hamburg and Copenhagen.
She will now share her years of experience in German-speaking countries and create contacts between Danish companies and her extensive network across Germany.

SCHOOL BUILDING is arguably one of the most crisis-proof platforms in construction today. Everything must be improved and started as quickly as possible in a situation of too many pupils, too few teachers and too few or too run-down schools.

“I want to create an international think tank that can excite the whole industry with new ideas. Here, the theme of sustainable learning buildings has a special focus for the Danish-German exchange of knowledge, ideas and resources. We can benefit from international cooperation, and with partnerships we can pave the way for the school of the future.”
The Danes bring new knowledge and new experiences to the table – with digitalisation and sustainability they are at the forefront internationally. And in Germany, as we all know, the demand for innovative ideas is huge. Not least when it comes to school construction, where €40 billion has been earmarked for school building alone up to 2040. For new construction, renovation, sustainability, reusability and redevelopment and everything that can create the best environment for today’s pedagogy and learning. I am gathering all the players around a huge market.

Since 2012, the German SCHULBAU trade fair has brought the industry together in cities such as Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Vienna to showcase good and visionary school construction.

“The field of learning buildings ranges from day care centres to university campuses and is always at the centre of all our activities. In Germany, several of my German-Danish collaborations have already borne fruit. Several teams have both won major tenders and turned them into reality.
I will now take these successes to Copenhagen. All Danish and German industry players are hereby invited to two days filled with experiences, matchmaking, new knowledge and exciting relationships.”





Meet the team

Experts in the field

Kirsten Jung

Ilka Williams

Christiane Schüllermann

Ina Wienerberger

Kirstin Ahrndt-Buchholz

Kathrin Zernickel

Susan Lange

Assistant to the publishing management

Oliver Fischer

Talina Cattide